Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Beginning at the End....

     The end result of digestion, that is. So why start here when knowing what  to eat is so critical right now? Hopefully, going through this information could present your family with a clear 'Before' picture as to what is going on with your guts. This post could help you all get started with some basic changes to food and water habits right now.
     Every person has different bowel habits. Some may just move their bowels once a day although emerging data may suggest more than once a day is optimal since we eat more than just once too. That, along with squatting on an Indian-style toilet and going first thing in the morning are indicators that things are well. 

     You don't need to worry in case this isn't you (or your children), just start drinking more water and including more fibre for yourselves. As we go through more nutrition info in the coming posts, make changes and you will be wonder-struck at the difference in quality of life.
     I am attaching a few infographics at the end which will obviate reading through a looooong post on poop! I do want to share a habit that we (my son and I) have adopted...squatting. To clarify, we have western-style loos at home but since reading up on the benefits of squatting for optimal bowel movement, we've 'adapted'. Here are some pics that clarify......

A product only an innovative American could come up with.......
Here are the infographics promised.....some info is repetitive but we move our bowels daily too, so.....
Found these on this website ....

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